Monday, October 4, 2010

"Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose Description of Fifth Juror..

Probably it was the first appearance for the fifth juror to any jury trial.As he told to the tenth juror, "I don't know.It just never occured to me."(line-5,pg-7) ,as soon as he came to know that they lock the door from outside.So,all jurors decided to vote as "guilty" or "not guilty" to reach in their final verdict;and it has to be unanimous.But the fifth juror became nervous when it was his turn.Being anxious he voted nothing,rather said,"I'll pass it."(line-23,pg-16)Although he remained quiet since the foundation of the story,whereas the others were interecting on the discussion.At a certain point,he also replied nervously to the third juror,"I am not sure.."(line-5,pg-25)when he was being asked if the accused boy lied or not.However,lastly his ethics helped him to come to a decission;after he listens to some  major logical reasons from the eighth juror."I would like to change my vote to 'not guilty'.",that's what he said.(line-30,pg-37)